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Sunday, May 20, 2012

CSI 19

Starting to feel better, though my voice is still not right and I tire very easily. Anyway I have managed to do another CSI challenge

     I had a lot of fun playing with gesso and paint and a Tim Holtz mask to create the BG then I went through some old photos and found these ones of Erin cuddling Michael just after he got home from hospital (20 years ago). I hand made the rosette flower and used cicles alot.

Back to work tomorrow - I hope I can make it through a whole day.                                                               

Sunday, May 13, 2012

What to do when you have no voice

I have been sick for a week now with laryngitis and synisits. Can't talk  -can't work. What to do!!! I thought I would get lots of scrapping done but my mojo had also gone. I have struggled all week to do the latest CSI challenge, finally finished it this morning only to find the internet wasn't working-so frustrating. Anyway I am back on-line and got in with 10 mins to spare... phew!!!!
This is my dd1 when she lived in Sydney and it talks about how living on the other side of the country from all her family and friends helped her grow into the woman she is today.

My voice still hasn't returned, The Drs say rest as its viral they can't do anything. So it looks like another week of work. Hopefully my mojo comes back and I will have created heaps. LOL

Sunday, April 22, 2012

CSI 15

I am back into doing the challenges at CSI
and this is the one for this week
This is my darling nephew at his 5th birthday party. 'Let the wild rumpus begin' was the inspitation this week hence the colour scheme and the monsters.
Only a couple of days left til I have to go back to work, I didn't get as much scrapping done as I had planned but still happy with what I did do.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Something old is new again....

Remember these frames from the 90's?
They look so tired and dated so I thought I would give them a bit of a revamp.
Am very pleased with the results. I have another one to do but that will have  to wait for now.
Well thats one thing of my to do list. Still got heaps more to do.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bounce, bounce, bounce

Easter was such a busy time for me I ended up having no time to scrap so I didn't get CSI 13 done by their deadline. I am going to share it anyway.
This is Michael when he was about 3. We were at his Uncle Bruces place in Byford. Michael just loved the trampoline - look at his big smile.
I have joined a camera club and been practicing with my DSLR. I took this photo on Manuel and another on auto and this is the first time the manual one came out better. I think I am finally getting there!!!!
Anyways its holiday time for me for the next couple of weeks, so I hope to catch up on some of these  unfinished projects I have got lying around here.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

CSI 12

Yet another busy week but I have managed this weeks challenge over at CSI. We were given a monochrome pallette which I thought would be so easy, but it wasn't. Anyway I ended up doing a very simple LO of my Mum on her wedding day.
There is a hidden journaling behind the photo talking about this being the beginning of a very eventful life.
Only 4 days 'til Easter and the beginning of holidays for me Yay!!!
Have a good week :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What a busy busy week

These lasts 2 weeks have been super busy and I missed out on doing the CSI 10 challenge but I have just managed to scrape in this week.
CSI 11
I have Scrapped some old photos of the kids taken in 1997 and talked about how I liked climbing trees when I was little and then I took my kids to the local park to climb trees.

Enjoy your week and hopefully things have calmed down now and I wont be so rushed next time.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

CSI 9 Here is my LO for this weeks case. I am so pleased with this photo that Jane took (Thanks Jane) We all look so happy even Michael has joined in and I now have a photo of his face. Maybe it was because I'm not taking the photo or maybe he is finally starting to manage his condition. Either way I love this photo and had fun scrapping it.
Have a great week and hope to post here next Sunday.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March tag
Here is my version of Tim's March tag. He showed us how to make mosaics. It was really easy. I have used a different BG as I don't have a wood grain stamp and I used a cuttlebug butterfly. I didn't have any metal flowers so i made this one using the tattered flower die and glossy accents.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


some of you will be aware that my sister-in-law Lucy got married at my place in January. I just got the pics from Jane (Lucy's sister) and thought these 3 would be perfect for this weeks challenge at I also checked  out and used their latest technique using texture paste and string.
The light blue outline behind the photos is a star made using texture paste and string. I have then gone and covered most of it.
I had a lot of fun playing with this one. I have used texture paste with stamps and paint and glimmer mist and, and ....... (I think I might have got a bit carried away) Anyway I love how it turned out and I think it reflects Lucy quite well with her love of art and pretty things.
I am sure there will be more wedding photos featured in the coming weeks. Thanks for the great photos Jane. I hope you like the LO Lucy and hope you and Tony don't mind being featured in it.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Firstly I am rather excited to have passed 1000 views to my blog!!! Thank to everyone who visits here. Secondly even more excited to have my LO for CSI no 6 to be chosen to go on the watch list!!! As there is quite a lot of LO's uploaded I think this is quite an achievement.
On to CSI no 7
The colours for this one were quite hard to work with, Light violet, light green, pink, dark grey and red. Isn't there a saying "red and green should never be seen" and pink and red don't go together. Anyway I am quite pleased with the result. the details of the challenge are here if you want to have a look. I am having fun with these challenges they are really making me think "outside the box" and I am getting LO's done.
Have a good week.
Bye for now.

Friday, February 24, 2012

12 tags of 2012

I loved doing Tim Holtz 12 tags of Xmas. Well now he has decided to change it this year to 12 tags of 2012. It's worked on the same principle as his Xmas tags only you get a whole month to do each tag.
here is my take on his Feb Tag.
Of course it's all about Valentines Day. I don't usually do much for Valentines Day but I did enjoy doing this tag. As usual I don't have all the products Tim used but managed to substitute what I did have.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

CSI no.6

I had no idea what to do for this one and after a hectic week I had decided not to attempt this one. Then yesterday afternoon I had an idea and thought I would have enough time to get it finished. Unfortunately I am a very slow scrapper and my simple ideas always turnout to be bigger than Ben Hur. But despite babysitting my 5 yo nephew today I have done it.
The details of the challenge are here This is my DS Michael on the Amity in Albany. He would not let me take a photo of his face so now I have this lovely pic which I think is very telling of where he was at, at that time.
I must get back to babysitting. My nephew is so much fun I am really looking forward to being a grandma - if that day ever comes. Have a good week. :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Here I am again 3 posts in 3 weeks. Pretty good for me!! Any way this is my Lo for CSI no.5
You can check here for the challenge
This is my DD3 when she was 6, a few years ago now hehe. I took this photo to show her in the dress Gran had made, but Helen always had her toy "Lucky" with her and he became the focus of the photo. When I showed Helen this photo She was so excited because this was "The Lucky" the first one she had and that was all she saw. Anyway it was fun doing this LO it is a bit different for me as I don't usually put so much stuff on a LO. I used lots of punches and some lovely die cuts that Alz gave me (thanks Alz) and I used some of the huge stash of pp that I have.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Here is my version of the next challenge at
I have used all 5 colours, a frame, glimmer mist, stripes, tulle and rhinestones. For the journaling I chose to reflect on what Tory could be thinking and I asked other members of the family for their thoughts. Apparently "found mah noo behd" is "kitty speak" for "found my new bed".
I am really enjoying these challenges and if i can keep up I will be doing 1 LO a week.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

CSI challenge

My friend Sandy asked me to join A new challenge site. There is anew challenge every week and its all about colour, journalling and elements. It certainly made me think and I am quite pleased with what i came up with
The colours we had to use were lilac pink cream gold/brown and grey. The journalling is on a tag and i used the second person and I used a tag sheer ribbon a doily  and circular elements.This is my youngest daughter Helen and myself at her graduation for high school.
The heat wave has finally broken and today is a much more comfortable day at 33C. Unfortunately it is also the last day of my holidays so back to work tomorrow. Meantime I am going to check out the next CSI challenge.
Bye for now

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

We are in the middle of a heat wave in Perth so i decided to stay home in the air conditioning and have a go at making some cards. I have never been big on making cards as they usually end up in the bin but having sooo many scraps i thought i might as well us some up on cards. I also got some punches and die cuts that i haven't used in ages.
I also made this for my daughters 22nd birthday
and this one for my baby's 18th birthday     
Tomorrow is going to be just as hot and it's Australia day, so having some people over for lunch, watching the cricket and maybe get some more scrapping done.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Daring to scrap

This year I am going to try and do some on line challenges. I spied this one daring to scrap on Rachel's blog.

The challenge is to use paper scraps to make a back ground. Here is my take on this.
This s my gorgeous nephew who loves me taking his photo. I had a lot of fun piecing these scraps together for this lo and am quite pleased with the results.

Now to clean up my desk and get stuck into all those projects i have got lined up.