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Friday, June 7, 2013

3 generations

I really like Kaisers Base Coat collection. It's fun to do some really masculine pages for a change. I love this pic of my nephew with his Dad and Gran, taken on Mothers Day.
I had a cortisone injection this week. I am in two minds about it. I think the pain is less, but there is a lot more stiffness and I don't feel well, my head is woozy and I am so tired even though I am sleeping well. Hopefully things will pick up this week and I will get more scrapping done.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Another months goes by.....

It's amazing how quickly time goes by when you are doing nothing. I have been pottering in my scrap room mostly making cards and yesterday I went to a scrap day at my LSS and managed a couple of LO's and started a couple more.

 I think I might have got the inspiration for these from Pinterest and quite enjoyed making these.
 These photos were taken on Mothers day. It was good to get 3 generations ...... My Mum, Me and my girls.
and this is 2 of my girls with their cousin Tania when she came to stay from NZ in January.

I have finally seen a specialist about my back. I get to have a cortisone injection this week, then an MRI next week and another visit with the specialist. So hope to have a better idea of whats happened to me and how to get better by the 11th June.

Meanwhile back to even going to do a little bit of patchwork this month.....have a weekend away planned with a friend to relax and do some sewing for a change.